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  • Writer's pictureRyan Astles

Clash of Thumbs

We all love a board game right?

Here is one me and my group at the time made at university 2 years ago.

We called the game Clash of Thumbs after a tiny dispute of which console has the better controller, thus showing that inspiration can come from literally anywhere. The game had similar rules to Frustration, only we had implemented a mini-game whereby if you had claimed a territory (the purple squares), you would undergo a card duel with another player if they were to contest you. The winner then claims that territory.

Our first session of game testing was largely successful. We had the maximum of 4 players having a go and the game lasted for approximately 30 minutes. The players enjoyed playing our board game and I had fun spectating the enjoyment they got out of it.

I do miss this project. Board games are fun and making a board game helps you realise if you are capable of making the most basic of games. If you can do that, the possibilities are endless.

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