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  • Writer's pictureRyan Astles

The Big Bang Theory Environment

It's no secret to the people I know that I'm not the greatest fan of the show "The Big Bang Theory." So why design the environment?

Well... I had to. I had a brief given to me when I was in college to create the set of the TV show and alter it so it was in the art direction I wanted to take. In the image you can see I've applied a cartoon/artificial art style to my assets.

Despite me not being a fan of the show, I think that it's important to address that this didn't put me off the project brief and I really enjoyed creating the environment and applying my own style to it.

Considering this was my first real attempt at an environment and the fact I was in the early stages of learning 3D software, I like to think that I did a decent job of recreating the set and I am therefore proud of what I achieved with all things considered.

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