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  • Writer's pictureRyan Astles

The LEGO Project

Easily the best project I've done so far. It was the one project that was the most memorable because of the amount of fun I had creating these LEGO models.

Our college had its own LEGO room where any student could go in and create something. Pretty cool, right?

We were given a live brief whereby us 3D artists had to create a mural to place on the wall outside of this LEGO room and we believed as a group that Minifigures representing various courses the college offered had to be featured on this mural.

My small group of 4 artists out of the 18 in the room got to work on creating the Minifigure models and I came up with these. I chose to stick to the creative section of the college so I textured an artist and a photographer stood next to a Minifigure representation of the man that monitors and operates the LEGO room.

I think the reason I liked the project so much was just having the feeling of remembering what it was like to be creative as a child and putting that into 3D software as an adult.

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